D4 Tour and Travel Business

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BAN PT Accreditation – A, UNWTO TedQual, ISO | Study Duration: 8 Semesters (4-7 years) | Total Credits: 144 SKS | Degree Awarded: Bachelor of Applied Tourism (S.Tr.Par)


The Tourism Travel Business (UPW) Study Program is a D-IV program aimed at producing skilled and professional graduates who are competent in the travel business sector, possess entrepreneurial spirit, and are proficient in information technology. Students are educated to master both hard skills and soft skills, particularly in Travel Agency (TA) and Tour Operation (TO). The curriculum is aligned with industry developments and the ASEAN Common Competency Standard for Tourism Professionals to enhance the quality of human resources in facing the Mutual Recognition Agreement (MRA).


  • Ability to analyze market potential and trends in domestic and international travel.
  • Ability to analyze market potential and trends in travel, including immigration rules and guidelines.
  • Ability to analyze market potential and trends in travel, including transportation regulations and guidelines.
  • Ability to analyze market potential and trends in travel, including tourism destinations and geographical aspects.
  • Ability to analyze market potential and trends in travel, including tourist behavior and profiles, including those with special needs.
  • Ability to market travel business products with effective communication.
  • Ability to become an entrepreneur in the travel business.
  • Ability to analyze market potential and trends in travel, including transportation resources, accommodation, food and beverage facilities, and souvenir facilities in terms of affordability, price, and access availability.
  • Ability to design and plan various travel business products.

Graduate Profile

  • Tour and Travel Manager
  • Tour Operator
  • Tourism Transportation Manager
  • Entrepreneur