Duties and Functions of PPID

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PPID Duties at Poltekpar NHI Bandung

  1. Coordinate, collect, process, and compile materials and data within the units of Poltekpar NHI Bandung into public information.
  2. Store, document, provide, and deliver information services to the public.
  3. Verify public information materials.
  4. Conduct consequences testing on exempted information.
  5. Update information and documentation.
  6. Provide information and documentation accessible to the public.

Tasks and Functions of the Implementing PPID at Poltekpar NHI Bandung

  1. Refuse to provide exempted information in accordance with regulatory provisions.
  2. Request and obtain information from the units within its scope of work.
  3. Coordinate the provision of information services with the units of Poltekpar NHI Bandung and/or Functional Officers within its scope of work.
  4. Determine whether information can or cannot be accessed by the public.