Opening of Thesis Defense for Diploma III and Diploma IV Students, Period of August 2024

Bandung, July 15, 2024 – The Director of Politeknik Pariwisata NHI Bandung, Dr. Anwari Masatip, MM. Par., CEE, attended and delivered a mandate at the Opening of the Thesis Defense for Diploma III and Diploma IV Students for the August 2024 period, held at the Mandalawangi Convention Hall, 2nd Floor, Poltekpar NHI Bandung.

The thesis defense, which will take place over the next two weeks with 432 participating students, is divided into 118 Business Plan thesis defense participants, 65 product experiment participants, 70 product presentation participants, and 179 Descriptive thesis defense participants.

On this occasion, the Director of Poltekpar NHI Bandung reminded the students to enjoy their final period on campus. He also congratulated the students who have reached this final stage, reminding them to be punctual during their exams, to prepare themselves well, and not to forget to ask for their parents’ blessings.

With the spirit and motivation given by the Director of Poltekpar NHI Bandung, it is hoped that every student can face the Thesis Defense with confidence, give their best, and move forward as qualified graduates ready to compete in the dynamic tourism industry.