Attended the Tools for Monitoring and Evaluation Development Event within the Deputy of Resources and Institutional Affairs, Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy.

Jakarta, July 13, 2024 – Politeknik Pariwisata NHI Bandung, represented by the Head of the Quality Assurance Center and the Secretary of the Quality Assurance Unit, attended the Tools for Monitoring and Evaluation Development event within the Deputy of Resources and Institutional Affairs, Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy.

On this occasion, Mrs. Siti Yulia Irani Nugraha, SE., MM.Par., as the Head of the Quality Assurance Center, and Mrs. Mega Fitriani Adiwarna Prawira, S.ST.Par., M.Ds., as the Secretary of the Quality Assurance Unit, acted as resource persons.

The event, which was also attended by Mrs. Ir. Martini Mohamad Paham, MBA, the Deputy of Resources and Institutional Affairs of the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy, along with the Deputy Secretary and the Monitoring and Evaluation team, is part of efforts to improve the quality and effectiveness of programs under the Deputy of Resources and Institutional Affairs.

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